Schedule A Visit

A first time visitor? Here's a simple way to be our guest! Schedule your visit with us!

Advantages of scheduling your visit include:
- advanced kids check-in to FW Kids
- a personal host
- free t-shirts for everyone
- juice-donuts-a warm cup of coffee
- reserved parking

Schedule your visit here!
So that we can be prepared to properly greet you, we ask that you submit this Schedule a Visit form NO LATER THAN 6 PM SATURDAY EVENING PRIOR TO YOUR SUNDAY VISIT.  Thank you.
Step 1 - Choose a Date

Step 2 - Select a Service Time

Please select one option.
Step 3 - The Details

Step 4 - The Kids

Please select one option.
Please fill in your kid's information below. If they're between birth and 6th grade, we'll have them checked in to Freshwater Kids upon your arrival. Please include the following where applicable: FULL NAME - AGE - GRADE - ALLERGIES - T-SHIRT SIZE (Y small - adult sizes)


A first time visitor? Here's a simple way to be our guest! Schedule your visit with us!

Advantages of scheduling your visit include:
- advanced kids check-in to FW Kids
- a personal host
- free t-shirts for everyone
- juice-donuts-a warm cup of coffee
- reserved parking

Schedule your visit here!